TXT is a DNS record, containing information in human-readable form for external sources to get information regarding a particular domain name or subdomain. In the most common scenario, such a record is employed to prove that you own a domain name in case you're trying to add it to an online search engine or to some web traffic analytics platform. As only the domain name owner/administrator can add custom DNS records, the TXT record serves as a verification of ownership for the company providing the service. Another popular use for this kind of records is the email SPF (Sender Policy Framework) protection, that makes sure that an email address shall not be spoofed and that others will not receive unsolicited mail from allegedly your mailbox. The TXT record includes details about the mail server where your digital messages arrive from and serves as validation that it's a reliable one. Because there are no standards regarding the content of this type of a record, you could add any other info as well.

TXT Records in Website Hosting

If you need a TXT record for any purpose for a domain name or a subdomain hosted within a website hosting account on our state-of-the-art cloud platform, you'll be able to create one without difficulty even though you may not have previous experience with such matters. As our Hepsia Control Panel is quite intuitive, you'll employ a point-and-click interface and you can create the new record within a few seconds. This is done through the DNS Records section of Hepsia where you can control all records for your domain names and setting up a new TXT record includes choosing an Internet domain or a subdomain and "TXT" from drop-down menus and inputting the actual text in a box - it is as easy as that. It takes just several minutes for the new record to become active and to propagate, so in case you need it to verify an Internet site with some search engine, for instance, you can ask them to check your website soon after you've created the record and you should be all set.

TXT Records in Semi-dedicated Servers

The custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel, provided with all of our semi-dedicated plans, will permit you to create a new TXT record right away and with no complications. It is very user-friendly and comes with a section devoted to the DNS records of your domains, so when you sign in and navigate to there, you could pick the required Internet domain or subdomain from a drop-down list, pick out "TXT" as the type of your new record and input the content which you want to be the actual text associated with the domain. You'll find an in depth step-by-step guide inside the Control Panel also and the new record is going to be operating soon after you create it, so if you want it for Internet site confirmation, for instance, you can just wait for a bit and then commence the verification process with the online search engine in which you are adding your site. If you have any questions about the TXT records, our skilled tech support team is going to be available 24/7 to aid you.