The term "disk space" is oftentimes identified as "disk quota" or "data storage", still all these words refer to the very same thing - the volume of information that you'll be able to upload to a website hosting account. The full size of everything you have is estimated by accumulating the space taken by all of the content within the account, the most apparent being the data files you upload. Two other things are commonly forgotten by a lot of people, though - e-mails and databases. Larger attachments or databases of large script-driven websites can often take a lot of storage space too. In order to employ a more familiar analogy, the hdd space of your home computer is taken not just by files that you download, but also by documents you create along with programs you install. In a similar way, various things are counted in the disk space your information needs on a web hosting server, in addition to the uploads.

Disk Space in Website Hosting

To suit the processing performance behind all of our cloud website hosting packages, we have thought over and applied the most effective alternative about the disk space - your account will not be made using a single server, but using a cluster system. Therefore, what we've designed is an entire collection of servers which is centered on the file storage only, consequently you should never be worried about running out of hard disk space and having to migrate to an additional server as your existing one can't accommodate more information. In case an additional space is needed, we add extra machines to the cluster, so the disk space is practically unlimited. Needless to say, all of our website hosting plans are meant to be employed for web sites, not for a collection of large files. We have individual machines for all of the databases and the e-mail messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

With our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd storage feature is unrestricted, so you're able to concentrate on creating your web sites the way they should be and not worry about hitting a limit. Unlike the majority of hosting suppliers that generate accounts on one server, we employ a tailor-made cloud platform, that enables us to offer you truly unrestricted hard disk storage for each and every account. With just a single machine, there're only so many HDDs that you can use, not mentioning that most of the hosting Control Panels weren't intended to work with multiple servers concurrently. Our system, however, incorporates clusters of servers for the site databases, files and emails, and our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We are able to add as many servers to any of the clusters as needed any time, so that the hard disk space is virtually unlimited.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

All of our dedicated web hosting plans feature a number of HDDs to match the computing power you'll get, which means that you will never have to worry for not having enough disk space. The drives can operate in RAID, which means a drive can be used as a copy of another one in order to ensure that your info will be secured, alternatively you can use it separately for even larger total storage capacity. Hundreds of gigabytes of hard disk space will be available all of the time, so that you can operate large sites, upload huge files or even duplicate your archive. As a dedicated server is the most powerful form of hosting, you will be able to upload/download files with very quick speeds. If needed, we also provide the option to include more hard disks and employ even further storage for your content. We offer 3 hosting Control Panels with the dedicated servers - with Hepsia, all domains will share the whole server space and will be operated in a single place, while with cPanel and DirectAdmin you'll have the option to make separate web hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space allocations for every single domain hosted on the server.