Setup Fee in Website Hosting
When you get a website hosting package from our company, the end price that you'll need to pay through the checkout will be identical to the cost you have already viewed on the home page and on every other page on our web site. The processing of the payment as well as the account generation on our innovative cloud hosting system are nearly completely automatic, so we consider that charging you any setup costs whatsoever would be rather unreasonable. Even if you obtain a couple of accounts at one time, you won't need to spend any money for the installation or for any other kind of hidden costs for that matter. It is our principle that being honest to every single client from the beginning is way more important than getting a few extra dollars.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you acquire a semi-dedicated server package from our company, your first payment is identical to all of the renewal payments for the following months. We don't have any installation costs, or any obscured fees of any type, for that matter. We respect a business partnership based on mutual trust more than a few additional dollars, therefore even if you already have a shared website hosting package with us and you intend to transfer all of your content to a brand new semi-dedicated server, to benefit from a more powerful web hosting method, we can do everything for you at no extra cost except for the standard monthly cost for the brand new package. The set up of a semi-dedicated account is practically entirely automatic, that's why we think that charging you anything for that wouldn't be justified.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
If you get a dedicated server from us, all you need to pay is the regular monthly fee for your package. We'll assemble the hardware configuration that you have selected throughout the signup, we will install an OS, web server, hosting Control Panel as well as all other software that is included with our packages, then test the equipment, but we will never require that you pay anything extra for that. The cost of the dedicated server you select will be identical - on the front page, on the order page and throughout the payment process, and there are no concealed fees of any sort. When you acquire a dedicated server equipped with our Hepsia control panel and you already have a shared hosting account through our company, we can move all your data - again at no extra cost.