PHP is amongst the most widely used server-side coding languages. It’s exceptionally popular since it is free software, which you can use to set up interactive sites like community portals, web stores or online learning websites instead of static HTML sites. A PHP module should be available on the server where a PHP-powered site is hosted so that its source code can be ‘translated’. Since there are no license charges for such a module and the language provides infinite possibilities for the web applications that you create, there are 100s of millions of PHP-powered sites. Also, there’re a lot of open-source PHP scripts, which you can use for your websites without the need to possess any programming experience. As there’re several PHP versions, you should verify that the exact same version that you used while developing your site is installed on the web server as well.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Website Hosting

In case you buy a website hosting package from us, you will never have to ponder on whether or not your sites are compatible with the hosting platform, as we support several versions of PHP for your convenience’s sake. The Hepsia Control Panel will allow you to select PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with just one single mouse click and in case you want to change the version, the new settings will take effect straight away. Thus, many years of work on websites built with an older PHP version won’t go down the drain. Our web hosting platform will even allow you to use a different version of PHP for each domain hosted in your account, which goes to say that you can run older and newer scripts at the same time. Most hosting companies on the marketplace offer one, sometimes two PHP versions. Unlike them, we strongly feel that you should be the one to select the version that your very own sites will be using.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

Even if your sites were created with an older PHP version, you will be able to host them in a semi-dedicated server account from us, as we support multiple versions running simultaneously on our servers and each one of them can be activated for your account with just one click via our custom-created Hepsia Control Panel. In addition to the latest PHP 8, we also support 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and the older PHP 4. The latter has already been abandoned by most web hosting suppliers, but we are strongly convinced that you shouldn’t be forced to modify a website that took years to develop, as older programming language syntax doesn’t always mean security breaches. On the contrary, a rightly maintained site using PHP 4 can be more reliable than a negligently maintained one using PHP 5. For the sake of your convenience, we’ll also offer you the possibility to specify a different PHP version for each website within your account.